Friday, December 16, 2022



The presentations of group one stuck with me the most. These were the topics I had the least amount of prior knowledge with, in particular the concept of false flags and five eyes. A false flag being used to sway a public opinion or justify a military effort sounded like something out of Star Wars to me. When there is financial gain to be had and unwilling citizens in a war I see why a government would use such a tactic. Once the public catches wind of this betrayal of trust, there is no going back as the relationship is irreparably damaged. A false flag is a fairly underhanded tactic and intentionally misleading in a serious matter.

Propaganda is something I was already familiar with, but mostly content from the twentieth century. There is no better way to warmonger than through a rallying hoorah describing how desperately your mother nation needs your help. The only thing better is the complete demonization of opposing sides. This is similar to a false flag in the sense that it portrays the government as the good guys or heroes and gets more support for their cause. 

I had never heard of the Five Eyes program and was surprised to find out five of the worlds most prominent nations had united together to betray the privacy and trust of their citizens. They monitor all of our electronic communications and keep an eye on the actions of foreign nations. This is once again a betrayal of trust from the government. The more citizens made aware of this monitoring, the more strained the relationship becomes. 

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