Thursday, December 15, 2022

Blog 8 Privacy

 Privacy Concerns

Privacy within our personal information and daily lives is something everybody wishes to have. Some may feel they do a better job keeping their lives more private than others. Really there are more threats and intrusions of privacy then the average person realizes. Living in the age of technology opens the door to more avenues for unwanted intrusions. A concerning fact is that privacy is threatened by both sides, criminals looking for your social security number, and the government trying to keep an eye on national security. 
A text you send to your friend is prolly being tracked to some extent by the government and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Want true privacy? You may have to start communicating via carrier pigeon. It is easy to overshare information on the internet and it will have consequences. You don't want to reveal too much about your personal life to strangers and you certainly don't want to say anything foolish and incriminating on social media. A good VPN and a fake g-mail can help provide a thin veil of privacy and cover basic needs, but any expert in computer science can pull out your IP address. My younger sister got in a pointless political argument on TikTok and was almost instantaneously sent our home address and a picture of our house as a threat. I believe the best way to have some semblance of privacy is to remain as anonymous as possible and avoid online confrontation. It is an unfortunate reality that you will almost never be able to achieve true privacy online and someone is likely listening.

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