Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Blog Post 10 COM1450

Rise of Artificial Intelligence, Downfall of Civilization?

With every technological advancement, you will hear harrowing warnings from harbingers of doom. No amount of discourse about classic films such as 'The Matrix' will adequately prepare us for monster of our own design, artificial intelligence. In the most bleak terms, if we really are headed on this path, there isn't much we can do to stop it. Technology isn't going to stop advancing and the incredible feats and convenience isn't going anywhere. The endless possibilities of our destruction only get scarier with extra thought. 

The computing power of artificial intelligence is incredible without a doubt and its abilities only become more accessible over time, such as AI generated art. The more complex its creations and computing becomes the worse off we could be. Human fail-safes such as the Turing Test attempt to cover the potential negative paths technology can take. In a dramatic comparison, this is like trying to block a gunshot with a napkin. It may already be out of our control if we are a simulation millions of layers from the base reality. If AI is smart enough to pass the Turing Test, chances are its smart enough to pretend to fail. 

Even if the threat isn't some cybernetic monstrosity capable of profound thought, AI still prevents risks and threats. Privacy has never been harder to come by, strangers and entities can suddenly locate your address of a social media comment. You are being monitored more and more. A startling example was the phone assistant capable of normal conversation for setting up an appointment. Its ability to adapt and speak naturally made it indistinguishable from a human. A foreign threat can invade your computer and take all your private information if you use the internet recklessly. AI and identity theft is an understated threat of the deep web. A solid VPN and fake G-Mail has never been more important. For all its contributions and revolutionary ability, AI is a rose covered in numerous deadly thorns. 

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