Thursday, November 3, 2022

Blog Post 2 COM 1450

 Supreme Court Reflection

The Judicial branch of the US government and the Supreme Court are amongst the oldest foundations of our nation dating all the way back to 1789. As distant in the past as that seems it was recent relative to other famous judicial practices such as Hammurabi's Code. I must say aside from the basics, the majority of my legal knowledge and understanding of a court comes from the television drama 'Better Call Saul'. 


The law creating the Supreme Court being signed by George Washington was something I did not previously know, but makes quite a bit of sense now. I've always been surprised that the justices serve until their death. Mainly because so many other positions of power and political influence are served in terms so to prevent an impromptu 'reign of terror'. Another small fact I was not previously familiar with is that William Howard Taft served as Supreme Court Justice and the president. That makes for quite the resume or LinkedIn page. 

I think the most important part of the Supreme Court is it's ability to keep the other two branches of government in check. This court does not have to blindly follow the actions of the president or congress. Another basic concept of any high school civics class, the balance of powers. The recent reversal of the 'Roe V. Wade' decision has been an important take away, seeing the change it has had on different states and it's citizens. I'm surprised to see less media buzz surrounding that case. The debate and outpour of opinions following that decision is amongst the most I have seen in my lifetime. 

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