Thursday, November 3, 2022

Blog Post 3 COM 1450

 Eight Speech Theories 

The speech theory that most personally resonates with me is the fourth.  Although it may not be as important or hold as much weight as some of the others, it is the most relatable one to me. It is deeply important to me to hold a strong sense of self and identity. I would never find any fulfillment in trying to alter who I am or change for somebody else. (Why Is Individualism Important?) The fastest way to nip a sense of individuality in the bud is being censored. If you can't freely speak your mind it becomes significantly harder to express yourself. A lack of identity through restriction of expression such as school uniforms, censorship of certain media, and a push towards conformity can often have an effect opposite of it's intention.

One of the best ways this speech theory is represented is through music. Both in the music artists make, and the musicians people choose to listen to. You can see it in action everyday, if you ask ten people their favorite musician, the chances you get ten different answers is fairly high. It helps you express yourself while finding kindred spirits in an artists other fans. "In the moment, it has the ability to influence our moods, inspire energy, and remind us of cherished memories. While over time, music has an even greater impact as it shapes our identity and allows us to express our true selves." Certain songs hold more personal meaning and room for expression due to the various memories and feelings I have attached to them.

A relevant issue with this freedom of expression is something has only recently come to the forefront. That would be the use of song lyrics, particularly rap, against the musician in court in a self incriminating fashion. This is a slippery slope to go down as many artists play up to a character or speak on fictional matters in their songs. The Restoring Artists Protection Act, the RAP Act, is a proposal to limit the use of lyrics in federal criminal proceedings. An argument is made that the use of rap lyrics in court is inherently prejudiced and used in a discriminatory manner. The use of song lyrics is only seen in the rap genre and stifles the artists ability to tell a story. 

There is not much room to discern between a confession, incriminatory statement, or fiction/satire. It could also potentially limit the creative room for artists who intentionally make horror themed content or "scary" music. While not my cup of tea the nineties rap duo Insane Clown Posse makes music that is intentionally theatrically horror inspired and talks of many extremely dark themes. If they were looking over their shoulder worried they would be prosecuted for their satirical songs, almost their entire discography would be gone. 

Musicians across all genres have signed a petition, partnering with streaming services such as Spotify to stop the use of lyrics in a courtroom. They cited the first amendment and felt they should be protected under it. Free speech is key to individuality and self expression. Having song lyrics treated similarly to a direct threat to the president is unconstitutional.

While not having a shred of musical talent and ability in my body, music and the different genres and artists I listen to mean the world in terms of self identity and expression. Freedom of speech and the protection of the first amendment is crucial to myself and those around me. Any attempt to hinder this freedom or take part of it away is simply not okay. 

Blog Post 2 COM 1450

 Supreme Court Reflection

The Judicial branch of the US government and the Supreme Court are amongst the oldest foundations of our nation dating all the way back to 1789. As distant in the past as that seems it was recent relative to other famous judicial practices such as Hammurabi's Code. I must say aside from the basics, the majority of my legal knowledge and understanding of a court comes from the television drama 'Better Call Saul'. 


The law creating the Supreme Court being signed by George Washington was something I did not previously know, but makes quite a bit of sense now. I've always been surprised that the justices serve until their death. Mainly because so many other positions of power and political influence are served in terms so to prevent an impromptu 'reign of terror'. Another small fact I was not previously familiar with is that William Howard Taft served as Supreme Court Justice and the president. That makes for quite the resume or LinkedIn page. 

I think the most important part of the Supreme Court is it's ability to keep the other two branches of government in check. This court does not have to blindly follow the actions of the president or congress. Another basic concept of any high school civics class, the balance of powers. The recent reversal of the 'Roe V. Wade' decision has been an important take away, seeing the change it has had on different states and it's citizens. I'm surprised to see less media buzz surrounding that case. The debate and outpour of opinions following that decision is amongst the most I have seen in my lifetime. 

Blog Post 1 Com 1450

Five Major Sources of News and Information

As society and social media become more and more intertwined with each passing day, the gap in how certain age groups get their news widens. There is a not so subtle shift in the way individuals receive the majority of their news. There are so many different outlets and formats vying for attention at all times. 

Different news outlets take various angles and political stances. Some people, such as my parents greatly prefer to get all of their news from a source that leans the same way as their views. I personally prefer to seek out some semblance of unbiased reporting which can be hard to come by. That said, I also consume the majority of my news in a far different manner from my parents. My father who detests phones and social media, relies solely on tv channels, whereas I don't remember the last time I sat down to watch a news channel.

1 TikTok

Easily the most unorthodox entry on this list, the realization that I get news from the biggest time waster of an app was a surprising and daunting one. I certainly wouldn't say it's the most credible of sources. Where it stands out is the timely manner in which breaking news is distributed and shared around the platform. I would say only twitter is stronger when it comes to timeliness and relevance. TikTok also has the benefit of being able to see what other people are saying in the comments, as well as videos from everybody.

2 Twitter

This is most likely my favorite source of news. Every possible trend and breaking story is updated in real time from multiple outlets and people. I can refresh it constantly and find out what is being said about any topic. I use twitter for the majority of my news endeavors, whether it is sports, current events, class related, or just entertainment content that I enjoy. This has remained the same over the past few years while the platform continues to grow. The recent acquisition of twitter by Elon Musk could pose potential changes but I believe Twitter will remain as my top source, in particular with new care towards preserving free speech

3 WRAL 5 News

WRAL is the local news station of my hometown outside Raleigh, NC. This source is more of a past tense for me now. Growing up, before I had a phone, any sort of sudden interest in the news would be satiated with this network. It's primary use for me was to see if school was cancelled cause of snow or if my soccer game would get rained out. I could always count on this channel to keep me updated on stories in my local area as well as nationwide news. 

4 Google News 


When it comes to news sources, I consider Google News to be the easiest to skim over while still retaining information. If I need a source for classwork, the first place I will often look is google news. I also appreciate how with google news you can find stories from a variety of different outlets. So maybe a story from somewhere I wouldn't normally look catches my attention, such as Fox or CNN,  and I can broaden my horizons a bit. It also has news for every form of content possible, whether it be sports, politics, or entertainment.

5 The New York Times

Another news outlet I use primarily for classwork and discussion. I mainly use it to read specific columnists such as Rory Smith. I tend to find the New York Times to be fairly biased but still appreciate what it has to offer from time to time. I prefer my news to be free but spending four dollars a month is not the end of the world. 

Multimedia Feature

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