Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Blog 3

   For this assignment I was unsure where to go as I'm not much of a meme creator. So I decided it was best to go back to the basics of jokes, puns. Through the extensive catalogue of puns stored in my brain I went with a personal favorite. I used the readings on combining images to add a layer for putting the clock into the dentist's office.  When adding the text I browsed around with some other potential colors, this showed me that in most cases if it isn't white, it looks off-putting in strange for a meme. Another thing I learned while working on this is that images may degrade more than others when put in photoshop due to formatting differences. I tried to put in my first choice stock dentist photo numerous times but no matter what I did, it looked like the picture had been taken with a toaster. So I just switched to my second choice.


Multimedia Feature

Dylan Brehm  SPT-4006 Dr. Hayes 4/12/23 Multimedia Feature There are few things more harrowing for an athlete of any level then spending tim...