Friday, January 22, 2021

Soccer at HPU


Soccer at HPU 

This week I was unsure what to take pictures of, then while out playing soccer with some friends I got the idea to start taking some pictures. I got a few strange looks setting up the ball but eventually used my lackluster photography skills to try and capture symmetry, negative space, and lines. This was felt like less of a chore to me since I was taking pictures of soccer which I love.


For this type of picture I found the spot on the field where I could find the most lines in one place and stuck the ball in there. I liked the way all the lines 'lined up'.


Negative Space

I was originally considering trying to use the sky as negative space but didn't see that working out. So my next though was the carpet like turf as a backdrop to the ball.


I had a difficult time finding something symmetrical at the field so what I did was out the ball in the middle of the goal with the two posts offering some symmetry.

Other Photos (3)

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